My First Blog Post 我的第一篇博客文章
Jiali Cheng Lv1
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printf("hello, world");
Language: English | 简体中文

I’ve wanted to build my own website for a long time, a place to gather my experiences, thoughts, and life moments. A space where I can document the places I’ve been, the photos I’ve taken, the people I’ve met, and the things I’ve encountered. Think of it as a digital diary. But I never started. Now isn’t the best time to begin either, as I have more important things to do. Yet, I don’t feel like doing them. So here I am.

I don’t want to reveal too much about my personal life, but perhaps we are all already “naked” in this digital world. It’s challenging to focus solely on myself without mentioning family, friends, or others. I am well aware of my limited knowledge and abilities. I don’t know who, other than myself, would read or care about this. But even if it’s just for me, that’s enough.

I’ve forgotten many childhood experiences and can’t recall them. Without words, photos, videos, or memories, how can we bring back the past? I have no idea. Maybe I just want to leave something behind. This public website is a beginning; I hope it is not the end.

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