Handpan & I 我与手碟
Jiali Cheng Lv1
Language: English | 简体中文

2016 - First Impression

It all began with a TV series - yes, I enjoy watching TV 😄. In the summer of 2016, I was captivated by a unique “wok-like” musical instrument that appeared in To Be a Better Man. It sounded so beautiful, and I had never seen anything like it. I started searching online to figure out what it was. After reading some Q&A posts, I discovered that the instrument is called Hang®, from Switzerland. Due to copyright issues, other similar instruments are referred to as Handpan. I can’t remember exactly how I stopped searching, but it definitely planted a seed in my mind.

PANArt - Hang® Sculpture

PANArt Hang documentary 2006: HANG - a discreet revolution

Manu Delago - Hang solo (Mono Desire)

2021 - Revisit

Life goes on, and time flies. Around January 2021, while staying at home during the pandemic, I found myself watching videos of handpan performances again. This time, I delved deeper into it — I emailed PANArt, the creators of the Hang®. Unfortunately, “due to the pandemic and the restrictions”, I couldn’t visit them in Switzerland, so I joined a WeChat group for handpan enthusiasts in China. I received some advice but eventually decided to set the idea aside.


Hello Jiali Cheng,

thank you for your mail and the interest in our work.
As you may know, we invite interested persons from time to time to come to Bern and try our different Sound Sculptures.
At the moment this is not possible – due to the pandemic and the restrictions.

As soon as you are in Switzerland and would like to visit, please write us to arrange a visit. You do not have to make a reservation.
We do not have a waiting list. Whenever its convenient for your, you can write, visit and try the different Hang. If there is one you like, it is normally possible t acquire it then.

You can find further information below. Good things come in slow.

Regards and many thanks

David Rohner

PANArt has received your email expressing interest in our sound sculptures. Thank you very much.

After the Hang Sculpture, the Hang Gubal and the Hang Bal, the new instrument Hang Balu has also met with great interest and is already being actively explored by many hands. The tuning art of the PANArt tuners is based on the knowledge that only hammering the material -in our case the pang composite- leads to instruments that serve the human being to tune into life. So it is understandable that such works are not produced in large numbers. Since the beginnings of sound sculpting here in Bern, it has been clear to the PANArt tuners: mass production is not an option.

As you can see from our homepage, the range of Hang sound sculptures has changed a lot in recent years. New forms and concepts have emerged, all of which are intended to allow the players to create the sounding music freely in the moment. Beyond performance, pressure and virtuosity, they allow access for all interested persons. They are, so to speak, tools that help to realize the music that lies dormant within.
A considerable number of sheet metal instruments, which are visually oriented towards the Hang and usually also violate PANArt AG rights, can be found in many places. We recommend that you inform yourself well about Hang and Handpan (plagiarisms of our Hang sculpture).

From time to time we invite interested people to visit us in Bern to get to know the different Hanghang (plural of Hang). Feeling and playing these soundscapes is very important - each one is unique. Without obligation and in peace and quiet, you may immerse yourself in the world of Hang at our atelier. On these days it is also possible to choose a sound sculpture and take it with you.

We recommend that you explore the various possibilities in advance - listen and watch the different sound sculptures of the Hang brand on our homepage and our YouTube channel.

· The Hang Balu enables a musical exchange in a collective, far away from expectations and pressure to perform. The instruments offer themselves as a common denominator, as a universal language to which everyone has access. When playing collectively, only a small contribution is needed from the individual player to create a complex web of sound - always carried by the pulse. The Hang Balu is the latest fruit of PANArt research. All the qualities of the previous Hanghang are found here again.

· The Hang Bal play is a dance. The player becomes the instrument. The Hang Bal game gives the individual musical space on a common groove. Together, a round dance is created. Whoever has music inside will find a place here.

· The Hang Sculpture is still built by PANArt for specific purposes. We also integrate its qualities in the new Hang Balu. This can be understood as a more grounded and refined successor to the Hang Sculpture.

You can find more information about the Hang sound sculptures on our homepage under the category "Instruments".
For a deeper insight into our work, we recommend reading our book "Hang - sound sculpture". By reading this book the essential backgrounds and basics of our sound sculptures will unfold more easily for you.

It is part of our business culture since many years that we demand the signature of an agreement between our customers and PANArt, where our customers declare to relinquish from speculation by reselling their instruments. You can find the prices of our sound sculptures below. Swiss taxes, a cleaning fluid, a backpack and a natural fiber shell (made in Germany) are always included.

If you would like to travel to Bern on a visiting day to explore the PANG landscapes with your hands, please let us know with your full address. As soon as it is possible to receive visitors again, we will inform you about planned dates. However, due to the current situation with the corona virus, we have decided not to announce any visit days for the next few weeks - even the near future is difficult to plan for at the moment. As longer travels should be avoided as much as possible at the moment, it is also possible to receive a sound sculpture by post. If you are interested, we recommend that you inform yourself well about the different Hanghang and consider the above-mentioned book.

With regards from Bern

The PANArt Team
Sabina Schärer, Felix Rohner, Basil Rohner, David Rohner

PANArt Hangbau AG
3012 Bern

The prices of the available instruments:
Sound sculpture Hang® Bal, including a suitcase made of natural fibers and a carrying bag (made in Germany/Winter GmbH), cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 2500

Sound sculpture Hang® Balu, including a suitcase made of natural fibers and a carrying bag (made in Germany/Winter GmbH), cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 2500
Hang Balu Duo (Two Hang Balus, incl. a suitcase made of natural fibers and a carrying bag (made in Germany/Winter GmbH), cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT) CHF 4500
Hang Balu Set (Balu Sui, Balu Sai, Balu Sei, Hang Godo, incl. a suitcase made of natural fibers and a carrying bag (made in Germany/Winter GmbH), cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT) CHF 6000

These instruments can be ordered online and will be sent:
Hang® Balu Urgu including a suitcase made of natural fibers, back pack, cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 770
Hang® Gudu including a suitcase made of natural fibers, cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 540
Hang® Godo including a suitcase made of natural fibers, cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 540
Hang® Gede including a soft bag and cleaning fluid and 7.7% VAT CHF 230

Later on, I thought about handpan from time to time, either passively or spontaneously. While pursuing a minor in Musical Science and Technology, I incorporated Handpan-related elements into the final projects for MUMT 306 - Fall 2021 and MUMT 307 - Winter 2022. Although working with handpan wasn’t my original intent — I prefer experiencing live music from real instruments — it still provided some inspiration.

Solo Hang Drum in a Tunnel | Daniel Waples - Hang in Balance | London - England [HD]

Hang Massive - Once Again - 2011 ( hang drum duo ) ( HD )

2022 - First Touch

Then I came to Europe. To some extent, it was because of Hang® and handpan. Soon after I arrived, I found a local handpan maker. I was so excited to see a handpan in real life! I immediately ordered one from him and bought a course book from China as well. Unfortunately, the production did not proceed as planned.


A handpan made by Franzen Instruments.

Marcel Hutter - Granit

Sam Maher - New York Handpan 01

Sam Maher - New York Handpan 02

2023 - Acquired

I searched online and ordered one from Yatao. With excitement and anxiety, I received the package! It was bigger than I expected, and to be honest, the colour was not my favourite. But it sounds good, which is enough. I finally owned a handpan and could start playing it!


The package I received on February 2, 2023.




The handpan on a stand.

Sam Maher & Manu Delago - Whitechapel | A Take Away Show

Kate Stone | “Urban” official video | Opsilon Handpan

Handpan Guitarviola | Yuki Koshimoto Fugaku Yohei |

2024 - Learning

Most of the time, I play my handpan casually, whenever I feel like it, rather than practice deliberately. One day, I somehow noticed that Manu Delago would be performing in Vienna, Austria. I immediately decided to buy a ticket and go see the concert!

(Side note: Initially, I confused the concert venue with the Golden Hall, which made me even more excited to visit Vienna. Later, I found out from a friend that the concert was actually at a different venue - I had mixed up the Musikverein and Konzerthaus. I also discovered that Lang Lang was going to perform at the Golden Hall on the same day as Manu’s concert. I really wish I had a clone to attend both concerts!)

During the intermission, I went to the front of the stage to look at the handpans Manu was playing and started a conversation with an audience member standing next to me. I asked him what Manu was saying during the performance (as I don’t understand German), and we ended up talking about Manu, handpan, and ourselves. He introduced himself as Andy, a composer, teacher, and handpan player. He invited me to his studio for a lesson. Everything was so unexpectedly wonderful!

Recently (at the end of June), while volunteering at a conference, I heard the sound of a handpan in the Immersive Audio room. Even before the video appeared, I instantly recognized the sound of the handpan due to its unique and beautiful tone. It was a live performance by Martin Kälberer mixed by Stefan Bock.


The concert >>Between Us<< on May 29, 2024.

Anoushka Shankar & Manu Delago with Metropole Orkest Strings - Live at Le Guess Who?



2016 - Summer

First Impression

2021 - Late January



Bought a pendant (HandPandant (orgonite))


First Touch


Acquired a course book: 《手碟演奏教程》>


Ordered a D kurd 10


Ordered YataoPan: YATAO D Kurd 10 stainless steel


📦 Received the package!


First live concert, by Manu Delago, Anoushka Shankar, Mosaik String Orchestra & Jules Buckley


First lesson with Andy Winkler

To be continued...
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