About Hang® & Handpan
Jiali Cheng Lv1

This post collects online resources I have saved for my convenience.


Language: English | 简体中文


  • PANart:
    “a Swiss company based in Bern”,
    “developed the now world-famous Hang® sculpture”.
    • hangblog.org:
      “A Documentation Project about PANArt, the Hang and other Pang instruments”.
  • handpan-timeline.org:
    “the most complete archive of the history of the Handpan”.



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  • From the movie La vie d’Adèle – Chapitres 1 & 2 (Blue is the Warmest Color)

    Note: is the song called “A Que Bueno” by Klaïm? According to the film end credits :

    • from an article “La Vie d’Adèle” : 5 anecdotes méconnues sur le film (Google Translate: “La Vie d’Adèle”: 5 little-known anecdotes about the film):

      Si on a beaucoup parlé de la présence de la chanson I follow rivers de Lykke Li, on sait moins de choses sur les musiques instrumentales qui habillent certaines scènes du film, notamment celle du premier regard échangé entre Adèle et Léa. L’instrument que l’on entend s’appelle un hang (ou hang drum).

      “Un jour par hasard, j’ai rencontré un musicien qui jouait d’un instrument qui avait un son très mélancolique et en le mettant dans la scène j’ai pensé que ça pourrait créer cette émotion forte pendant la rencontre. Je crois que la musique à ce moment-là participe de l’émotion dans la rencontre”, a expliqué Abdellatif Kechiche lors d’une conférence de presse au New York Film.

      Google Translate: While much has been said about the presence of the song I follow rivers by Lykke Li , less is known about the instrumental music that adorns certain scenes in the film, notably that of the first glance exchanged between Adèle and Léa. The instrument that we hear is called a hang (or hang drum).

      “One day by chance, I met a musician who played an instrument that had a very melancholic sound and by putting it in the scene I thought that it could create this strong emotion during the meeting. I believe that the music at that moment participates in the emotion in the meeting ,” explained Abdellatif Kechiche during a press conference at New York Film.

    • More from Klaim/Klaïm:

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